How to Make Your Home Energy Efficient

How to Make Your Home Energy Efficient

May 24th 2018

There are many reasons to take steps to make your home more energy efficient: it helps the environment, minimizes your carbon footprint, and saves you money. However, many people believe that an energy efficient home requires a substantial investment. While some projects are more expensive, such as installing solar panels, others need only a little time and money to improve your home’s overall energy efficiency. Learn how to make your home energy efficient with these tips and recommendations.

Adjust Thermostat

The most prominent energy vampires in most homes are the HVAC systems. That makes it so important to adjust your thermostat regularly so you aren’t overusing your unit and consuming more energy than needed. Program your thermostat, so your heating and cooling system is only running when you’re there. Adjust your thermostat as needed when you intend on being away from home for an extended period and when the seasons change.

Seal Windows

Air leaks in and around windows allow the outside air to come in and inside air to escape out. That means your HVAC system must work overtime to heat or cool your home. Weatherstripping or caulk around window frames minimizes leaks. With cool or warm air not leaking out of your windows, your house stays a comfortable temperature without demanding extra energy to operate your HVAC unit.

Turn Lights Off

It’s a simple step but one that makes a huge difference. When you leave a room, make sure to turn off the lights. Also, teach your kids to get into this green habit, so you’re not trailing behind them switching lights off whenever they walk out of a room.

Insulate the Attic

Another way to seal energy-wasting air leaks is by installing insulation in your attic. This extra layer of insulation keeps the cold or warm air your HVAC system produces in your home rather than escaping out.

Minimize Water Usage

So often we leave the water running, wasting precious gallons for no other reason than carelessness. While we brush our teeth, wash dishes, prepare to bathe, and in a number of other instances where water is needlessly wasted. Only open the faucet when you need water and immediately close it when you’re done. You can also install low-flow showerheads to improve water and energy efficiency in your home.

Replace HVAC Filters

Old and dirty filters require your HVAC system to work overtime to heat or cool your home. Regularly replacing filters means your HVAC unit can operate unencumbered, requiring less energy to achieve the temperature you want in your home. You should also consider investing in annual HVAC maintenance with a professional to keep your unit in tip-top shape.

Swap Out Incandescent Light Bulbs

From overhead lights to bedside lamps, a home needs dozens of light bulbs to brighten rooms. Halogen, compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), and light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs require much less energy than incandescent counterparts though. If you’re still using incandescent light bulbs anywhere inside or outside of your home, replace them with more energy efficient options.

Unplug Unused Electronics

How often do you remove your cell phone from its charger but leave it plugged into the wall? This unnecessarily draws on energy even though the charger is not in use. Unplug electronics that are not turned on or in use to diminish this energy drain.

Plant Trees

Provide extra shade from your home by planting trees along the west, south, and east sides. These trees keep your home cooler in the summer while also contributing much-needed greenery to your local environment.

Upgrade Appliances

Older appliances demand more energy to operate. Your HVAC unit, refrigerator, oven, water heater, washer, dryer, and many other appliances throughout your home are wasting precious energy merely because they are outdated. Invest in Energy Star appliances to impact your home’s energy efficiency. Consider replacing your current water heater with a tankless or instantaneous one.

Keep Doors Open

The interior doors of your home should remain open when your HVAC system is running. Closed doors limit air flow, requiring more energy to heat or cool your home.

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